Monday, May 11, 2020


By : FarahNorizwani bt Nordin, Nur Haziqah bt Mohamed SuhaimiNor Mazlina bt Masli and Siti Nur Azira bt Che Mahadi

Urban design involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, and the establishment of frameworks and processes that facilitate successful development (Peter Webber, Urban Design Group, 2011). Kevin Lynch (1960) in his book The Image of the City explains that urban imagery is shaped by old observations of the physical quality of cities. According to Lynch, the city contains five physical elements, namely, path, district, edge, node, and landmark, all forming an image of the city. The five elements of Lynch when combined with other elements such as history, architecture and local culture are much better. Syed Zainol Abidin Idid (1996) in the book Preservation of Urban Heritage explains that the townscape, which incorporates the layout of buildings and all the surrounding objects, creates a clear image and identity of the city. The urban scenery is the best display of local culture. Thus, conservation work is important in securing the cultural value of the city in its construction (Ghafar, 1998).

The elements studied in urban design of Kuah, Langkawi are town centre pattern, movement pattern, building façade, landmarks, landscape and visual quality. These elements are important because it represents the image of a city. An analysis is based on the elements contained in Kuah, Langkawi to see the effectiveness of these elements in urban studies. These element is also be considered for new development or redevelopment if needed. 

            1.1     Goal
*                To study urban design and landscape quality in Kuah, Langkawi. 

           1.2     Objective
                                        i.        To identify the town centre pattern in Kuah, Langkawi.
                                       ii.        To appropriate the elements of visual quality and landscape in study area.
                                       iii.        Identify the issue and problems of urban design in Kuah, Langkawi. 
                                       iv.        Make suggestions that enhance the image and identity in Kuah. 

         1.3     Scope of Study

                                    i.        Town Centre Pattern
        Identify the pattern of urban design in study area that observed through road 
        design and location of buildings. It is also covered the movement pattern by
         identify the pattern of pavement that has connected spaces and routes.

                                    ii.        Architectural Style
           Identify the types, characteristics and conditions of building façade that has 
           been provided in study area. 

                                iii.        Visual Quality
         Identify the nodes, landmark, paths, sense of welcoming, district and edges
          in study area.

                                 iv.        Landscape Character
         Identify the types of landscape that located in study area.


           2.1       TOWN CENTRE PATTERN

          The pattern of study area is linear pattern. Describing Pekan Kuah as a linear pattern because there is a group of building built along a route. It has a long and narrow shape by providing two pass way and one pass way. (refer the photo below) Pekan kuah is also scattered and less compact with distribution of commercial and administrative areas. The spatial structure is of two to three layers, namely the use of urban spaces formed by commercial areas, institutions and community facilities and settlements. Its waterfront location has established tourist areas such as Eagle Square, Legend Park and CHOGM Park as well as the main focus of the accommodation with its beautiful scenery.

Figure 2.1.1: One way street


Figure 2.1.2: Two way street

            2.2       MOVEMENT PATTERN

          Based on observation, mostly the movement pattern in study area are in a good condition especially at Eagle Square. It is a major tourist destination and located on the waterfront. The places is strategic and functional. Eagle Square is also a great place to see the sunrise and sunset. The lighting at night created a beautiful scenery and safety on the surface of the walkways pedestrian. There are variety of activities at night that can generate income to small traders and attraction for visitors. The pavement design that has been provided can be considered as a division of the area that connected spaces and pedestrian routes.

Figure 2.1.3 the views and pavement design

             2.3       ARCHITECTURE STYLE

     2.3.1   Type of Building Façade
The building facade at Bandar Kuah, Langkawi change by year and environment. There are 4 types of building facade at Bandar Kuah consist Eclectic, Art Deco, Tudor and Modern and are focus on the commercial area that can identify through the characteristic of the building.

             i.    Kuah Town have a design Eclectic which is starting at 1890s until 1950s are    located on Jalan Mutiara, Jalan Dato Syed Omar and Jalan Ayer hangat. It has 6 unit. The style of building façade for eclectic style has roofs is steep.    
Figure 2.1.4 Sketches of Eclectic Façade

Figure 2.1.5 Eclectic Façade
                 ii.   Secondly, Kuah Town have Art Deco of building façade which is starting at1930s until 1945s, focus on Jalan Dato Syed Omar and Jalan Mutiara. it has 106 unit shop. The building characteristic which are has a geo metric shape on the roof.
Figure 2.1.6 Sketches of Art Deco Facade

Figure 2.1.7 Art Deco Facade

            iii.    Kuah Town also have Tudor of building facade which is starting at 1910s-1940s, focus on Jalan Dato Syed Omar and Jalan Mutiara. it has 141 unit shop. The building are characterized by their steeply pitched gable roofs.

              Figure 2.1.8 Sketches of Tudor Façade                               Figure 2.1.9 Tudor Façade 

iv. The modern building facade were starting growing at 1920s. The design style are simple geometric decoration and that design is more attractive with different  modern that can attract people. It is mostly building in Kuah Town, Langkawi are modern façade that is 1154 units. 

Figure 2.2.1: Sketches of Modern Facade                           Figure 2.2.2 Modern Façade 

Figure 2.2.3 The type of building façade at Kuah Town Langkawi

Figure 2.2.4 The percentage of type of building facade

        This figure show the percentage of the building façade , firstly the design of the Eclectic have 6 units and take 1 % which is the lowest of the building facade. Second is for Art Deco have 106 units , which is take 8% of the site design . Next is Turdo have 141 units , which take 10 % of the site area. Lastly Moden have 1154 units which take 82% which is the highest of the building facade.  

2.3.2   Condition of Building
Every building that have around the Kuah Town, Langkawi have their own condition and year of the building. From the survey that we do, we can find the result of percentage of every condition, design and year of the buildings. Here we list several of condition at the Town Center Kuah . 

 Figure 2.2.5 Building at Jalan Mutiara in Good Condition
Figure 2.2.6 Building at Jalan Mahawangsa in Good Condition

Figure 2.2.7 Building at Jalan Dato Syed Omar in Good Condition

Figure 2.2.8 Building at Jalan Mutiara in Poor Condition

Figure 2.2.9 Building at Jalan Pandak Mayah in Good Condition

Figure 2.3.1 Building at Jalan Pandak Mayah Omar in Fair Condition

Figure 2.3.2 Building at Jalan Pandak Mayah in Good Condition

Figure 2.3.3 Building at Jalan Mutiara in Fair Condition

Figure 2.3.4 The condition of building at Kuah Town Langkawi

Figure 2.3.5 The percentage of condition of building

The diagram show the percentage conditions of building . For poor conditions have 32 units which take 2.3% which is the lowest of condition of building. Beside that, for fair condition have 55 which take 4 % of the site area. Lastly for good Conditions have 1320 units of shop house which takes 93.7% which is the highest of condition of building. 

One of the scope of study in urban design & heritage is visual quality. There are a few element that need to observe in visual quality   such as nodes, landmark, sense of welcoming, path and district. These elements can be found around Pekan Kuah.
    Based on the observation, Majority of the design of the element under visual quality are influenced by traditional elements such as wood carving. Different places has their own identity and can be seen from their design of visual quality element.

These are the elements that can be observe under the visual quality:

                      i.        Nodes
                     ii.        Landmarks
                    iii.        Sense of welcoming
                   iv.        Paths
                     v.        District
                   vi.        Edges

The figure show the distribution of three different element nodes, landmark and sense of welcoming the study area.
Figure 2.3.6 The distribution of visual quality at Pekan Kuah

2.4.1   Nodes
Nodes are the strategic points in the town where people usually gathered. It is also known as the focus of the city. There are two places that can be identified as nodes. One of it are active during daylight and at night. Those are, Dataran Lang and night market.

i.        Dataran Lang
Dataran Lang is the main nodes of Langkawi because everyone who visit Langkawi or locals would come to Dataran Lang. The places are very strategic because it is 
besides the jeti pecan kuah. So people easily can walk here while they waiting for their ferry.

Figure: 2.3.7 Dataran Lang’s nodes

    ii.        Wednesday market
           Wednesday market is where the local or tourist come and gather especially when to buy their daily needs.

 Figure 2.3.8 Wednesday market nodes

2.4.2  Landmarks
          Landmark is any object in the environment that is easily recognizable and its primary function is the landmark is a point of reference when people came to the city, any objects can be their point of reference that they think of. At Pekan Kuah, landmark can be found all around the Pekan Kuah at any design or words. Most of the landmark are located at each of the place.

   Figure 2.3.9 Landmark of Langkawi 

Figure 2.4.1 Landmark of Dataran Lagestromi   

Figure 2.4.2 Landmark of Taman Lagenda Langkawi

Figure 2.4.3 Landmark of “I love WHARF”

Figure 2.4.4 Landmark of Naturally Langkawi

2.4.3   Paths
           The path is human movement at one place. Based on the observation, the existing path are prepared for tourists to walk using the walkway. This can avoid coming on the road have road accidents. The condition path in Pekan Kuah is good. In a good term, the path on this area are strategic spot and it works and with a variety of  functional activity. Provision of these facilities can be integrated with aspects of design research integrated city. There is two types of path which is the streets and pedestrian path. 

                                          i.        The streets
a.  Major path are located such as at persiaran putra.

                                                            Figure 2.4.5 The major path

                       b.   Minor streets path are located such as at Kg Penarak

                                                                Figure 2.4.6 The minor path

        ii.       The pedestrian path

           Figure 2.4.7 Walkways at Dataran Lang      

 Figure 2.4.8 The walkways at CHOGM park

             Figure 2.4.9 The walkways at the side of road      
     Figure 2.5.1 The pedestrian path at Dataran Lagestromi

Figure 2.5.2 The pedestrian path at side of the road at commercial area

2.4.4 Sense of welcoming        
        The’s a lot of archway can be found in Pekan Kuah. Different places has their own design of archway. The main purpose is welcome the people

Figure 2.5.3 The sense of welcoming at the Taman Lagenda entrance

Figure 2.5.4 The sense of welcoming at Dataran Lang entrance

Figure 2.5.5 The sense of welcoming at the entrance of Kuah Town

Figure 2.5.6 The sense of welcoming at Langkawi Geopark entrance

Figure 2.5.7 The sense of welcoming at Langkawi waterfront entrance

2.4.5   District
           District is the areas characterized by common characteristics. The division of the district at Pekan Kuah is generally based on the function of the land use. Districts are the medium-to-large sections of the city which the observer mentally enters "inside of," and which are recognizable as having some common, Identifying character. 

Figure 2.5.8 The district at Pekan Kuah

2.4.6   Edges
           Edges are the linear elements thet not use as path.. Edges are the linear elements not used as paths by the observer. They are the  Boundaries and linear breaks in continuity. At Pekan Kuah, there’s a canal that can be found at Taman Lagenda.

Figure 2.5.9 The edges at taman Lagenda

              2.5       LANDSCAPE
              Based on the results of a field study conducted an analysis of the current landscape in the town of Kuah in Langkawi, the landscape consists of man-made landscapes and natural scenery. There are 3 identified landscape categories is softscape, hardscape and streetscape. However, the landscape category has been divided into three aspect that is concentration area, commercial area, and the roadside.

                2.5.1 Concentration Area at Eagle Square

Figure 2.6.1: The distribution of Concentration Area at Eagle Square.

                            Table 2.1.1: Types of Landscape Concentration Area at Eagle Square.

·     Samanea Saman
·     Draceana Reflexa
·     Polyalthia Longifolia
·     Cocos Nucifera
·    Bougainvillea Cultivars
·    Gates
·    Walkways
·     Street Lighting
·     Flowerpot
·     Signage

             Eagle Square is in one area of Kuah Jetty and is a popular tourist attraction in Langkawi. It also serves as a landmark and node to Langkawi. The elements of the landscape used are good and attractive. Based on figure 2.6.1 shows softscape an orderly landscape and various softscape. This area also, hardscape such as clear to entrance with a gates and walkways in moderate condition. While for streetscapes this area in moderate condition.

          2.5.2 Commercial Area at Pekan Pandak Mayah.

                  Figure 2.6.2: The distribution of Commercial Area at Pekan Pandak Mayah.

                Table 2.1.2: Types of Landscape Commercial Area at Pekan Pandak Mayah.

·     Ficus
·     Adinandra Dumosa
·     Polyalthia Longifolia
·     Polyalthia Stenopetala
·     Burrawong
·    Walkways
·     Street Lighting
·     Signage
       Pekan Pandak Mayah is a focal point of business in the Kuah district. In downtown Pekan Pandak Mayah there are two main entrances. However, some hardscapes need to be maintained such as a covered walkways and non-covered walkways and the addition of shade trees in the parking lot. Based on figure 2.6.2 shows the use of softscape appropriate to commercial area. For, hardscape such as the covered walkways and non-covered walkways in moderate condition located along the front of the shop.  While for streetscapes such as street lighting sufficient in commercial area at Pekan Pandak Mayah and signage also in moderate condition. 

   2.5.3 Roadside at Persiaran Putera.

         Figure 2.6.3: The distribution of Roadside at Persiaran Putera.

                         Table 2.1.3: Types of Landscape Roadside at Persiaran Putera.

·     Samanea Saman
·     Ficus
·     Polyalthia Longifolia
· Archontophoenix    Alexandrae
·     Shoeblack Plant
    ·    Gates
·    Garbage      Bin
·    Bench
·    Gazebo
·    Walkways
·     Street Lighting
·     Flowerpot
·     Signage

             Landscape at roadside is a landscape in which the image and identity of the street stand out to suit the function of the street. In addition, roadside landscaping also able to improve the beautification of views on the side or in the middle of the road. Based on figure 2.6.3 shows softscape such as palms tree that appropriate in main road. Next, for hardscape such as gates have a clear entrances, gazebo, and walkways located along of the roadside in moderate condition. For other hardscape such as garbage bin and bench in poor condition. While  for streetscapes as street lighting sufficient for roadside, flowerpot, and signage in moderate condition.

3.0  ISSUE
     i.      The unattractive scenery due to lack of maintenance especially at Lagenda Park.
      ii.     Pedestrians are not maintained as well as the lack of hardscape such as garbage bin and bench.
      iii.    The few of  building is in poor condition or abandoned buildings can lead to criminal cases such as drug addicts
      iv.    The pedestrian that have in movement pattern was provided are insufficient and many damage occurred as there were some motorcycles through the pedestrian.  

      In conclusion, based on the site analysis of the primary and secondary data, the study found that all the data can be use in identify the issues and problem of the study area in the scope of urban design and heritage. The analysis can be relate with RT Langkawi 2030 (Penggantian)


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