Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Proposal 4: Green Urbanism

Group members : Nor Azreena Binti Mohd Nor'aini,  Nur Syaqirah Binti Mohd Zahar, Nur Ain Binti Che Mat Ali


Global cities are entering a challenging period as a result of climate change, growth of population also increasing in levels of urbanisation and depleting of natural resources. This increase reflects the urgency in our approach to the built of environment and the needs for human to reduce consumption despite population growth and urbanisation. Green urbanism is making every effort to minimize the use of energy, water materials at each stage of the cities. the principles of green urbanism as a conceptual model and as a framework for how we might be able to tackle the enormous challenges of transforming existing neighborhoods, districts communities and how we rethink the way we design, build, operate in future urban settlements. as for that concern, "Green Urbanism" is the concept that offers an innovative with a great approach in dealing with rapid growth for the Langkawi development.  


The planning vision of this central area planning at Pekan Kuah, Langkawi is Kuah as a " green and sustainable town " by the year of 2030. 


To create walkable and vibrant city with attractiveness sense of place that enhance the eligibility and identity of the town centre. 


1. To improve balance basic needs such as access to amenities infrastructure and     social services 

2. To create spaces for relaxation and healthy living and building community 

3. To design easy accessibility and mobility which are interconnected and provide     an efficient low-impact public transportation system

4. To enhance pedestrian and crossing paths that reflects the desired line &             strengthen "walkability" by making streets attractive, convenient and friendly.


The principle of green urbanism depends on the triple-zero system which is petroleum product vitality utilize, zero waste and zero discharge particularly went for low-not-to carbons outflows. The following is the shortlist of the principles which offer practical steps on the path of green urbanism concept to sustainable cities, harmonizing growth and also the usage of the resources : 

    - Landscape, garden and biodiversity 

    - Sustainable transport and good public spaces 

    - Cultural heritages and sense of place 

    - Green buildings, districts and passive design principles 

    - Livability, healthy communications and mixed used programs    


Most of the area at Pekan Kuah Langkawi has an issue that need to be solved. The issues mostly related are : 

1. Despite of its sidewalk, a few parts found are uneven and the tiles are                slightly crack especially on the commercial area which led to poor access of         pedestrian 

2. There are poorly maintained of commercial buildings with damages and                run-down of wall paint 

3. Lack of hardscape and streetscape as a sense of place which cause the loss        of the Bandar Kuah identity as a tourism place

4. The shortage number of affordable housing for the local people of Kuah                Town   


Figure 1. The concept idea of Green Urbanism 


     Figure 2. The bubble concept idea of Green Urbanism 


Green demarcation in the diagram indicates empty spaces to be developed in order to cater for future necessities. New development is to achieve lasting satisfaction of human needs and improvement in the city centre.


In more general sense, are activities involving efforts to rearrange structure and morphology of the land as a whole. It is something to make an organization of place more effective by introducing new method, new identity ideas or new function. 


An action which brings new and more vigorous moves to an area, strengthening the identity of the place and helps by revitalizing spaces and turning them into more innovative and vibrant city places. It The example element is to improve physical condition, social structure and environmental condition.




"Green Building" is a structure of the building which form comfortable living working environment through the utilization of the building materials that avoid us from having any negative effects especially on the human health and also towards the environment. These are the building that ensure every waste is minimized at every stage during the construction and oration of the building which resulting in a low costs usage. 

As for Bandar Kuah, these new green buildings development adaptations are located in Persiaran Putra near the beach with approximate of 13.18 acres. The ideas is adapt from the attraction in Fukuoka, Japan which is considered to be a good example of the perfect fusion of green and architectural concept. Plus, this mall ideas is positioned to offer a fun family experienced which will encompasses food and beverages, entertainment and the specialty of shopping. It is a concept ultimately about building better places to live and to go, with an environmentally friendly development which recognizes both the practical and personal benefits of sustainable building.  

Then, this green building adaptation mall will be use solar panels that will help in generate its own electricity, and as a result of creating sustainability and reduce cost together with the energy consumption for the Kuah, Town. Even better with planting gardens on the rooftops, bringing the green back to the urban jungle. The garden will help insulate buildings and create a balance temperature. So, down here is the example of the adaptation from the Fukuoka Japan and how we correlate the ideas with this new mall in Kuah.

 Figure 1 : Example of Green Building in Fukouka , Japan

 Figure 2 : An example of green rooftop with solar panel to minimize energy used
Source : content/uploads/sites/5/2018/12/CSE1809_MAG_FINTEGRATE_151NF-Green-Rooftop-1024x576.jpg 

 Figure 3 : Detail Layout  Commercial area 

Figure 4  : Schematic plan for commercial centre development

 Figure 5 : Master plan of the proposed commercial zone

 Figure 6 : Mall illustration 

 Figure 7: Shop Lot illustration 


The design of the open space square focused on creating healthy outdoor activities within the unique savannah and beach view. Their placement within the beach creates an experience of the natural environment in a fun and exciting way while at the same time creating aesthetic place-making through material and form. Elements such as the open square were integrated into the various activities, and the scenic views were maximized in order to maintain the beach view. By adding the outdoor solar lamp, bench, reflexology path and well designed gathering area. The purpose of this open square with deck view is to create and experience and escape from the city with ideal sense of natural.

Plus, a very good design of huge solar lamp adaptation of pedestrian walkway is provided in a way to connect and attract the attention of the tourist at the public realm. This outdoor pots lamp is ideal enough as welcoming attractions to the park. Mark the entrance and lead the way up with the outdoor post lamp. It can also be used to promote security in urban park and to increase the quality of life by artificially extending the hours so that activity can take place. The pedestrian walk is in a size of 3m width. This size is compatible enough to avoid any congestion of the overlay dense population that visit the open space area. 

A different kind of benches design is provided at the park. Act as a place for visitors to stay for a very long time, and have a rest. What is more, the visitors can enjoy the good scenery of beach when sitting on the benches. This benches also made with a different material suitable with the comfort of the user. These benches have a size of (0.4 m x 2 m).

 Figure 8  : Well design public realm as a recreational space

Figure 9 : Outdoor Post Lamps at The Park Las Vegas, NV


 Figure 11  :  Intended Proposal for public realm with green concept adaptation 

 Figure 12  : Schematic Plan for the Public Realm 

 Figure 13 : An illustrated allocation of the public realm with the green design approach

 Figure 14 :Illustration Gazebo at Public Realm  

Figure 16 :Reflexology Path 


Affordable housing is a house that is sufficient in quality, location and the most important measure to be taken off is the cost, which later will help its occupant satisfy other essential living needs. In other words, it could be described as the location, quality and build up a house is equally as important as the financial affordability of a house hold. 

So, this new proposed housing development is allocated near to Jalan Putra 3. The total area proposed is approximately around 7 hectare which equally to 17 acres, and this area would consist of a single storey terrace houses which will give an option for those with lower income to live in a community with gardens, parks and shaded trees in these neighbourhood.

In order to cater with the current situation and for the future, this housing design would be focusing on green and responsive to our tropical climate especially in Kuah. Tree planting which acts as a buffer and play an important roles for privacy and indoor air quality. That would be the most effective way to reduce exposure and to keep residents away from sources of pollution.Those ventilation design provides for adequate exchanges of fresh air. And to ensure the safeties of the neighborhood, a few solar lamp post would be installed which would fit in this green urbanism concept.     

 Figure 17 : Detail layout for the residential area

 Figure 18 : Schematic plan of the proposed residential area

 Figure 19 : Master plan of the proposed Residential area 

Figure 20  :Illustration Residential area 

Figure 21  :An Illustration Residential area 

Figure 22  :An Illustration Playground at Residential area 


The function of this rejuvenation is to improve a place or a system, especially by making it more active and successful and the most importantly useful for the the user itself especially in Bandar Kuah. This urban rejuvenation gives new life or energy to the city or town and bring into renewed existence and this process is to make the city or town impart new and more vigorous life. 


Deteriorating quality of the pedestrian environment and increasing risk of pedestrian crashes are a major concern for every city include Kuah, Langkawi. Most of the pedestrian within the area of the commercial in Persiaran Putra are found to be poorly managed and do not have any proper signage to assist tourist. Also the linkages of the walkway are not well connected which caused user to be confused and expose to danger. 

So, the ultimate goal of enhancing this pedestrian movement is to improve the walkability mode of a community. The purpose of doing this is to redesign and make some improvements so that :

      • Encourage more walking 
      • Encourage a model shift away from single occupants vehicles.
      • Creating pedestrians' friendly environments which can reduce pollution and congestion costs 
      • Accommodate those who use walking as their primary mode of transportation      

 Figure 23  : An example of safe design pedestrian walk


For Bandar Kuah, street tree planting should be enhance in order to maintain and restore tree lined character that is a feature of many streets in the town centres. And of course, trees play a vital role in directly removing away pollutants and to filter pollution. Plants are considered as "lungs" as it absorbs carbon dioxide and trees can improve air quality in direct and indirect ways. It can help in shading surfaces and also reducing temperature.  

Figure 24 : An example of Street planting

 Figure 25 : Rejuvenate Street Planting at Jalan Pandak Mayah 3, Taman Bendang Baru, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia and 82-98, Persiaran Mutiara 2, Pusat Perdagangan Kelana Mas, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah


Most of the building colors especially on the site of commercial area were staining, discoloration and chalking. The combination of staining and peeling paint is due to the environment effects. Not only that, this building colour had caused the architectural features deteriorated and lack in the appearance. 

So, by giving the commercial building a new coat of paint can be a game changer. This is the simply way to increase the revenue of the income and create more functional buildings. It can create a positive and good impression to encourage tourists, customers nor clients to boost the economy of the commercial activities. There is no doubt that a well-maintained building can last for many years. 

Repainting using the newest range of eco- friendly paint is also a great way to enjoy benefits like improved the visual appeal, property value, lifespan and working environment.       

 Figure 13 : Painted apartment buildings, Tirana, Albania
Figure 14: Repainting and rejuvenate Building 
 Figure 15  :Repainting and rejuvenate Building 

 Figure 16 :Repainting and rejuvenate Building 


In order to help alleviate urban congestion, a new designated pick up and drop off point is done at the different place in a way to promote a green transportation and reduce emission. For example, one would be in Jalan Penarak and Jalan Persiaran Putra around the commercial area. This proper enhancing will help and focus on analyzing the dynamics and movement of people through the city with more efficiently pleasantly and inclusively. 

 Figure 17 :  An illustration for a great feature of pick up and drop off point

 Figure 18 : illustration for a great feature of pick up and drop off point

 Figure 19 :Detail layout of the proposed pick up and drop off point

 Figure 20 : Detail layout of the pickup and drop off point in Jalan Penarak

 Figure 21  : Illustration of a green line concept of pickup and drop off point

 Figure : An example of illustration proposed regarding the pickup and drop off point in Jalan Penarak


Street art tours offers colourful glimpses especially in growing a city. It is created on the surfaces in public spaces like exterior building walls or sidewalks and etc. it is usually created as a mean to convey a message. This street art plays a role in revitalizing cities to become more livable. For Kuah Town, an adaptation from the creative urban rejuvenation from Malaysian street art has been taken as an example in which has been proliferation from the urban graffiti of Klang River in 2005. This action done in order to engage with communities and improve the image of the less attractive commercial area . By capturing this Eco-friendly street art would focus sustainability.

This graffiti street art will be proposed in the commercial area where those plans specialize in green and environmentally friendly, as we are conscious about our carbon footprints on this planet. Furthermore, this effort is to promote about recycling and sustainability of the future development which could be conveyed through art  



Regenerate is an action which brings new and more vigorous move to an area, strengthening the identity of the place and helps by revitalizing spaces and turning them into more innovative and vibrant city places. The element that regenerate is promoting culture and train skills in demand at Mahsuri's school  and Seroja's resident area of Pekan Kuah. The agenda focusing on the relationship between education and social spatial cohesion which can frame more progressive public policies, is both possible and desirable.

This action could actually develop a network of regional resource centres for urban development, promoting regional innovation and good practice, coordinating urban development training and encouraging community involvement in the regeneration process. And at the same time, provide comprehensive social services aligned with educational purposes needs and opportunities.        


A city can grow in wealth and population, both built and cultural is what sets its part from other urban centres and adds to its quality of life. The preservation of neighborhoods, forests and historic building has become a vital consideration in urban planning. But this process also requires a participation of local communities on how conserved spaces can be adaptively reused to keep them both relevant for the community.

This preservation will consist of forest of forest and residential areas in Bandar Kuah, specified in zone 2. Trees should be allowed to grow as they help in reducing air temperature, remove pollutants from the atmosphere. And the rest of the development will remain unchanged without disturbing the balance of nature.    


Green urbanism will become the norm of all urban developments. With the practical and holistic development principles of these green urbanism will later offering and integrated key needed to establish such sustainable development with the best encouraging practice practice models within the Kuah City Centre itself. 

Facts, this proposal report will contain such a detailed analysis of the overall space required in the planning of a central area at Pekan Kuah Langkawi. With this information can help individuals to enhance the better and clearer understanding regarding the green urbanism.   




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