Wednesday, June 10, 2020


By: Ainun Nastasya Binti Nordin, Nurul Ajatul Noorasikin binti Mustafa & Nur Shamila Aida binti Abdul Samari


This report aims to determine the rationale related to the development planning presented. In addition, this overall design proposal is in line with the requirements of the current planning policy to ensure that the proposed activities will be able to launch.


 Langkawis Versatile Oasis


The development area is located in the southeast corner of the other Kuah Town and is the main town on Langkawi Island. The total area of ​​the zone 1 site is 646.48 acres and the area of ​​the proposed new development site 10 hectare. Development around the proposed site is made in the residential area there is a village Penarak. Additionally, Business areas that support development such as Langkawi Fair Shopping Mall. The proposed site location is also provided with Kuah jetty, the main ferry terminal in Langkawi.

Figure 1: Key plan of the study area

Figure 2: Location of study area 

Figure 3: Site plan of the study area


The bright future of Kuah town should be closely linked to good planning and comprehensiveness. One of the strengths that creates value is versatile. Downtown with versatile features such as local hub business and natural beauty tend to be much more appreciated by residents (and visitors) than the more predictable city center. When it comes to downtown, habits and personalities can translate into a strong sense of community. The gravy town needs to look out, beyond the scope. Development planning not only has to look at current development scenarios and trends in Malaysia, but it also has to look at good practices and new technologies being implemented in other countries, for example, ideas or benchmarks to be more competitive and move forward.

VISION : Kuah as a safe haven and universal town by 2035.

GOAL :To make Kuah City a world-class tourist destination with high quality of life and attractive city activities.


    • To promote local products and culture through effective advertising and development of a cultural business hub.
    • To capitalise on the natural characteristics in the provision of recreation and leisure facilities and healthy lifestyle.
    • To define a portray cultural values and identity of Kuah Town through creative place making.
    • To reinforce safety elements on the street, commercial areas, recreation parks and neigbourhoods.


1. Healthy Lifestyle 
  • Provide forest for recreational leisure time while looking natural scenery.
  • Best spots outdoor exercises.
  • Emphasis on adventure activities, it may occur in a natural setting.

 Figure 4: Example of healthy lifestyle
2 .  Connectivity
  • Pedestrian paths that connect from one place to another
  • Attractive, inclusive and safe pedestrian design. 

Figure 5: Example of Connectivity
   3.  Rebranding  Product
  • Promoting local products for attracting tourists.
  • Place local food in historical places.
Figure 6: Example of rebranding product


 1. Attractiveness tourist

Attractiveness is a function of the tourist's perception of the destination's ability to meet their   needs and provides the personal benefits seen as a tourist destination, a set of "given" and partly "man made." for example In the new development section, there number of natural features of    tourism destinations, such as scenery, beaches, mountains, historic buildings, local food transport, sports and recreational facilities, tailored to the needs or tastes of customers, The objectives for preserving tourism development are residential, existing services and agriculture.
  Figure 7: Example of Attraction Place 

 2. Good Services and Safety 

Today, citizens are advocating for better environmental sustainability, better service and improved urban quality by promoting safer mobility, especially for the most vulnerable road users. The way to address these safety issues is to pay special attention to pedestrian safety in the city. In addition, safe road design can reduce road congestion and road accidents.

Figure 8: Example of safety service 

 3.Opportunities for meaningful work and activities

Opening a new development area is one way to create employment opportunities for the people. indirectly, can reduce the unemployment of the population in Kuah, Town.

Figure 9: Example of active activity 

  1. Traffic congestion 
  2. Air pollution

  3. Waste management problems. 


The main idea of ​​the concept is to provide a lot of interesting places to explore and a tourist destination. The strategy calls for several changes in Kuah Town such as secure traffic, local shopping malls and infrastructure upgrades to support the city's revitalization.The current infrastructure development in Pekan Kuah will have a huge impact on the community and Langkawi. Some key changes will be made to the current infrastructure development in line with the main goal of Making Kuah City a world-class tourist destination with high quality of life and attractive city activities.

Kuah town will attract more people and abroad with the main objectives highlighted. The town of Kuah needs to provide a vacation spot comparable to the overseas holiday destination. For this reason, domestic and foreign tourists do not have to spend a lot of money traveling elsewhere. Tourists who come on holiday to Kuah Town to experience new experiences that are not in their place. Like the products available at Craft Center, sea cucumber, This is because, to Langkawi not only like the beauty of the island, but also opponents to handicraft centers and companies making sea cucumber oil are also included in the tourism package. In addition, it will also be presented with beautiful scenery with recreational facilities that highlight the natural features. Indirectly, this new development could add to the unemployment crisis in Langkawi with new job opportunities.
Figure 10: Bubble Diagram 

Figure 11: Concept Plan 

  1. Provide pedestrian walk 

The pedestrian walk is a basic pedestrian facility. The pedestrian path allows pedestrians to enter the commercial and the jetty. They also provide traffic safety. High level connectivity is required for efficient pedestrian networks. The pedestrian system should provide a comfortable place for walking. Pedestrian system should be designed and maintained to promote walking and include elements that create a Convenient walking environment, such as trees, pedestrian-scale street lights, supports traffic, garbage, seating, and pedestrian environments.   In urban areas, always provides pedestrian access. With jetty to farm, people can travel safely, conveniently and comfortably on foot.

Figure 12: Design Guidline of Pedstrian

.2. Provide bio engineering and green energy can reduce air pollution

In addition, bio engineering and green energy need to grow rapidly in the field in areas that incorporate biological and physical science principles and use them to solve agricultural and environmental problems. They also manage and conserve land, water, air, energy, and other agricultural resources.

Figure 13: Example of reduce poluttion

3. Provide recreational park to avoid dumping the area

The next strategy is to provide parks and recreation. This area is interesting because people want something new and out of town. At the Kuah hill, this will always be an unforgettable, refreshing and enriching experience. When the sun rises, it will catch a glimpse of sunshine on sunny days or fog like cotton floating in the air on cooler days and At dusk, time can be seen around the Brush Area from the view of Kuah Hill, providing a magical background in the night sky. This is not the only new experience for tourism, it can also help the area become a waste. 

Figure 14: Example of recreation park

4. Provide hotel for service economy resourse and tourism

In addition, provide ecotourism in the hotel / resort area by serving nature in nature without damaging it or using habitat. This is a form of tourism focused on fragile, pristine, and uninterrupted natural areas, intended as low-impact and often small-scale alternatives to standard commercial mass tourism. This is a road trip undertaken to natural areas, preserves the environment, and enhances the well-being of the locals. The purpose is to educate travelers, provide funds for ecological conservation, directly benefit economic development and political empowerment of the community, or to foster respect for different cultures and human rights. 

Figure 15: Example of Hotel/Resort


Iskandar Puteri Malaysia best practices. It is an important region both economically and geographically. The region's Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) requires the cooperation, support, active participation, commitment and ongoing involvement of many agencies, stakeholders and players at all levels. These include federal, state and local governments, agencies, business communities, local leaders and communities, and global industry players. Some initial steps blueprints and new initiatives such as the Low Carbon Society, human capital and safety and security. Here, we keep you from the Circle of Sustainability, a holistic and resilient ecosystem supported by non-core that encompasses wealth creation, wealth sharing involvement, and low resource and carbon optimization in one continuous cycle. We want to ensure that our people living in this fast-growing region get stable and satisfactory results. Although our talents are highly skilled, we are able to produce higher productivity values ​​in the nine sectors promoted.

Figure 15: Best Practise


Figure 16: Shop house

Figure 17: Soho

Figure 18: Recreational area


Figure 19: Overall Detail Layout

The whole new development proposal will focus on making Kuah City a world-class tourist destination with high quality of life and attractive city activities. So there is a new development like Soho with 11.37 acres and 13.38 acres for a shop. The strategic location of the Mall provides easy access to shoppers around Kuah Town area. In addition, there is also a recreational area of ​​18.62 acres that will give new life to Pekan Kuah to attract attention with new activities and get carbon, this is because Pekan Kuah is a major town in Langkawi. Proposed method submitted by several Areas that need to be done such as Hotel area of ​​97.96 acres and Agricultural area of ​​67.06 acres. Agricultural areas are being redeveloped to introduce green technology and bioengenering that can use carbon and protect the environment. Finally, the area maintained in the residential area of ​​40.69 acres of detached village. This area is maintained to show the tradition in the village for the outdoors. With this, development reform, building conservation and permanent development areas can make Kuah as the main destination chosen to visit and the well-being of the people of the gravy is maintained and more advanced.


Figure 20: Soho Detail Layout

Figure 21: Shop House Detail Layout

The proposed shopping center is a shop house at 13.38 near the Jetty terminal area. This shop house is proposed to Promote local products such as food and handicrafts made by the villagers. Indirectly can reduce unemployment among the residents of Pekan Kuah. In addition, the new development area developed Soho with an area of ​​11.37 acres. The mall also has a city and unique design in addition to providing organized parking. Some well-known brands include Jaya Grocer, Harvey Norman, MBO and Blue Ice-Skating Rink. The mall will serve as a catalyst for development in the area as a commercial center that meets the needs of the middle and upper class lifestyle. In addition, the mall will be the catalyst for further expansion as the community loves shopping centers near their homes.  Therefore, this park pocket is recommended around the commercial area. The proposed Pocket park is 5,797 acre. Planning to Provide successful pocket parks and recreational places for urban residents is increasingly challenging due to the limited park space available in urban areas. Due to declining areas and limited time, the physical and recreational needs of urban youth are often not met and most people suffer from mental fatigue, especially those living in urban areas. Mental fatigue is a condition characterized by excessive mental fatigue that can potentially cause serious problems including decreased productivity, poor work performance and impaired physical function. It is recommended to relax or look at the green space during micro rest as it will offer a recovery experience for the recovery process.


Figure 22: Recreational Area Detail Layout
The proposed recreation area is 18.6 acre. The park provides important recreational and recreational opportunities for people of all ages. The community is developing a garden to meet the latest design demands and trends. Their goal is to create facilities that are functional and aesthetically pleasing. To achieve this, garden owners and design consultants must find ways to present their ideas. In this recreation area there are beautiful lakes and walkways that allow the community to walk around the lake.



Figure 23: Shop House Master Plan

Figure 24: Illustration of Shop House

The commercial center is proposed to be divided into two other business divisions of the business and the handicraft business. Two-storey commercial center building with a 20 x 60 lot. Area The project is 7 hectares. The allowable plot ratio for the shop house is 1: 2, maximum height <4 floors. This development complies with the requirements of the Uniform Development Code 1984 and the proposed commercial activity building over the main roads is allowed at the front of the lot in compliance with the PBN and Local Authority requirements and approvals.In addition, Business Development is one of the initiatives introduced to help local entrepreneurs to grow and market SME consumers including the One Area Industry One (SDSI) and Small & Medium Industries (SME) Products in the global market. This development will have a huge impact on the Kuah Town economy. Therefore, the main objective of this commercial development is to Create a city that promotes this product to the public and the public.


Figure 25: Soho Master Plan
Figure 26: Illustration of Soho
Commercially proposed use of Soho independent building. Soho developed 5 units of 11.36 acres. Shopping malls are not just places to shop; they have also been a place of fun and time. Consumers spend a lot of time in the mall because they have many shops and activities that attract the attention of consumers and offer many benefits. Among the activity in Soho are a karaoke, bowling alley and cinema. This activity is provided as most of the time from overseas is to do this kind of activity and they do not need to miss the stay in Kuah Town as it is available in their country as well as enjoy the tourist in the area.

Figure 27: Recreational Area Master Plan

Figure 28: Illustration of Recreational Area 

The area of ​​the park is 23 acres. The park was created as one of the Steps to balance the ecology of the environment and preserve the life of the lizards around the gravy week.

In addition, the recreational park is provided to excite the city and to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the city as we know it and become environmentally friendly. At the Kuah hill, it will always be an unforgettable, refreshing and enriching experience. As the sun rises, the sun glows at sunny days or fog like cotton floating in the air on cooler days, and at dusk, time can be seen around the graveyard area of ​​Bukit Kuah, providing a magical background in the sky night. This is not just a new experience for tourism, it is being eliminated, with the presence of this rejuvenation park helping to make this area a community of waste users who do not exist.


Impact of The Development Proposal

1) Economy

  • The proposed development will attract foreign tourists. The tourism sector can promote food. This is because, foreign tourists are very interested in traditional food available in Kuah town. So they are willing to spend their time and money traveling to our country. With this development proposal, it will directly increase the revenue of the tax revenue to be collected.

2) Social

  •  Projected population growth for the State of Langkawi is expected to increase by 2023. 
 3) Environment 
  • Support low carbon cities by encouraging the use of pedestrians provided around commercial areas.

4) Society

  • Development proposals have provided employment opportunities to the community. It is expected that employment opportunities for employment in the commercial and recreational park 'eco lang camp' will be offered.

5) Local government

  •  Develops a lot of land in accordance with local plan planning.
  •  Earn income from development carried out and are expected to have upgraded           assets
  •  Creates an element capable of providing or referencing local statistical data.
6) State government
  • optimizing land use so that it is developed into more economical elements that can provide better results.
  • provide income to the Langkawi state government through payment of land and gate taxes to MPLPB.
  • Stimulate the tourism sector and in turn contribute to the recovery in the tourism sector.


The Kuah Town area will be the emblem of Langkawi. This is because the core of development in the city is environmental integration, social equity and stability. The construction of new business areas in the area will create more job opportunities and reduce unemployment. Economically, the proposed area has high investment opportunities as there are several new areas to attract tourists to the area. In conclusion, there are many positive effects on Langkawi with new developments in the Kuah town.


·      DRAF Laporan Analisis dan Strategi Pembangunan. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2020, from Majlis Perbandaran Langkawi Bandaraya Pelancongan: http:/

·    eDataBank . (n.d.). Retrieved May 7, 2020, from Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal:

·      Rancangan Tempatan Daerah (RTD). (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2020, from Majlis Perbandaran Langkawi Bandaraya Pelancongan:

·   Tyce, H (2017). What is Livability? (University of Oregon) Retrieved May 8, 2020, from Sustainable Cities Intiative:

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